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Ray Stannard Baker
BS from Michigan Agricultural College East Lansing (1889); Chicago News-Record 1892; McLures 1897; managing editor McLures Syndicate 1897-1898; associate editor 1899-1905; left McLures in dispute along with Ida Tarbell, John S. Phillips, Lincoln Steffens and purchased American Magazine; editor of American Magazine 1906-1915; Special Commissioner to the State Department in Great Britain, France, and Italy; Director of the Press Bureau of the American Delegation to Negotiate Peace at Paris 1919; head of publicity for American Delegation(enabling censorship of messages being sent to American public); muckraker who wrote How Railroads create Public Opinion(Oscar Callaway congressional record statements)

Bernard Baruch
phi beta kappa; the real Lone Wolf of Wall Street by refusing to join any House; City College of New York; partner in AA Housman & Company; bought a seat on the New York Stock Exchange where he amassed a fortune on speculation; founded the Intercontinental Rubber Company of New York dominating the market with Nelson Aldrich, Daniel Guggenheim, John D Rockefeller, Jr., George Foster Peabody among others; advised humorist Will Rogers to exit the market before the crash. “I did what you told me,” Rogers told Baruch when the two met after the Black Tuesday crash of October 29, 1929, “and you saved my life”; served on the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense; chairman War Industries Board on Woodrow Wilson executive order (origins of American Fascism); supported League of Nations; received Distinguished Service Medal; coned the term ‘Cold War’; special advisor to the director of the Office of War Mobilization during World War II; head of the War Productions Board during WWII replacing Donald M Nelson; Roosevelt would rescind offer; his father Simon Baruch first teacher of physical medicine at Columbia; helped establish programs for Veterans; representative to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (UNAEC); Baruch Plan; park bench statesman

Norman Davis
Foreign Affairs editor, Hamilton Fish Armstrong vice-chairman: Alvin Hansen, Jacob Viner, Whitney Shepardson, Allen Welsh Dulles, Hanson W. Baldwin, Isaiah Bowman with research secretaries: William Diebold, Walter R. Sharp, Grayson L. Kirk, William P. Maddox provided research secretaries to the State Department’s Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy; vice president of CFR 1945-1949; wrote articles for Foreign Affairs: A Note on the Political Map of Turkey (December 1922), A Note on Tangier and the Spanish Zones in Africa (March 1924), The Pioneer Fringe (October 1927), The Ecuador-Peru Boundary Dispute (July 1942), The Strategy of Territorial Decisions (January 1946); (14) “The foundations for war were laid primarily in the Balkans.”; chairman of the National Research Council; vice-chairman of the Science Advisory Board(1933-1935) (87)(103); attended international Geographical Congresses; member of (1906), second vice-president of (1912), secretary to (1914-1916), and elected president of (1931), the Association of American Geographers (1931); closely associated with the National Research Council and the Social Science Research Council; unique position within the affairs of American geography; wrote, Geography in Relation to the Social Sciences (1934); developed the themes that at the heart of geography is the study of man in relation to the earth and that the regional synthesis of life is the geographer’s first concern; vice-chairman of the Advisory Council on Post-War Foreign Policy, adviser in the Department of State; special adviser to the Secretary on post war problems and plans; member of the US group at Dumbarton Oaks and adviser to the US Delegation to the UN Conference on International Organization at San Francisco; member of Roosevelt’s commission for establishment of Puerto Rico as center of Pan-American culture;

Edwin Francis Gay
University of Michigan AB(1890); studied abroad at University of Leipzig; University of Gottingen; University of Zurich; and under Gustav Schmoller at the University of Berlin(PhD 1902)(1890-1902); studied Italian and Latin, fluent in French and German; read widely at the British Museum; travelled Europe to acquire first-hand knowledge of continent and civilization; Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration; instructor at Harvard University (1902); assistant professor (1903); professor in the chair of Economic History at Harvard(1906); first Dean of the Harvard Business School(1908-1919); president and editor of the New York Evening Post; director of Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics Paris 1919; director of statistics and member of War Trade Board Paris 1919; Special Expert on the United States Shipping Board;(73) Fellow of the American Statistical Association (1921); created the International Scientific Committee on Price History with William Beveridge(London School of Economics and Political Science 1919 -1937) in 1929 funded by five-year grant from Rockefeller Foundation;

Cary Travers Grayson
Descendent of founding father George Mason; Rear Admiral; graduated BA phi beta kappa William and Mary College 1898; MD Medical College of Virginia 1904; MD and Doctor of Pharmacy University of the South; acting assistant surgeon on July 14, 1903; served at U.S> Navy Hospital in Washington; U.S. Navy Medical School 1904; personal physician to Woodrow Wilson; interned at Columbia Hospital for Woman in Washington; served aboard the USS Maryland; assigned to the Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 1907; appointed Naval surgeon aboard Theodore Roosevelts Mayflower ; served same role with William Howard Taft; introduced Wilson to his second wife
The Inquiry

Other Prominent Members

Felix Frankfurter

Arthur Balfour

Isaiah Bowman

Lois Brandeis