Word Games

My intention initially was to put these images up to serve the purpose of sharing them with fellow researchers. I’ve since recognized the importance of a contextual introduction, as well as the key points to the importance of word games in our path to collect the neccessary pieces to our own awakening.

On this path one will encounter the very neccessary measure of the study of cryptography, encryption techniques, ciphers, etymology, specifically in relation to the english language. The nature of our benevolent chessmasters requires that they too stay within the confines of their beliefs and rituals. We have discovered over the years of their love of mockery, which often is deployed via games. And what do we have here? Word games. What seems like simple fun with words on the exterior, holds within an encrypted message which forms the true meaning of the use of the word.

As we investigate into our history and the use of words, researchers today often draw on the Judaic expression of gematria, or the use of words to mask numbers whose calculations often reveal the true meaning of the word. These ciphers when decoded often lead to additional puzzles as they are just clues, smaller parts of a larger agenda.

Gematria: along with teinuyah, was the science of the dual interpretation of the Kabalistic alphabet, which composed the notary art, which is fundamentally the complete science of the tarot (q.v.) signs and their complex and varied application to the definition of all secrets. Encyclopedia Of Ancient And Forbidden Secrets

The study of word games, its uses and rules, gives additional paramater sets to help solve more complex ideas/meanings hidden within the word/sentence that cannot be resolved simply through the use of numerical value representation. These word and sentence structures, coupled with the use of numerical value ciphers, are taking decoding to the next level.

Much like creating formulas for solving problems, a hypothesis is created. From this certain parameters are established that help formulate the intial expression. In this expression are applied past knowns, which in a true/false testing method help to deduce a formula that proves the past as true. From this can be derived the unknowns of the future, and knowing the formula in play, can simply be plugged in by variables and solved like any other algebraic expression.

In the mind this is much easier then on paper. In time, my hope is to show a sample of this in both formats so as to assist fellow researchers in decoding the truths they seek. My apologies if this blog finds you perplexed, but I assure you it will be only momentary.

Frequency, Orthographic Regularity, and Lexical Status in Letter and Word Perception

August, 1980

Technical Report No. 550

Wisconsin Research and Development Center for Individualized Schooling
The University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin

Sponsoring AGENCY:  National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.

IDENTIFIERS *Orthographic Stricture

A study assessed the role of orthographic structure in college students’ perceptual recognition and judgment of letter strings. Lexical status, word frequency, bigram frequency, log bigram frequency, and regularity of letter sequencing were orthogonally varied across a series of experiments. Six – letter words and their
anagrams were used as test stimuli in a target-search task. Results showed that words were recognized better than their corresponding equally well-structured anagrams, but that word frequency had little effect. Orthographically regular anagrams were recognized better than irregular anagrams, whereas log bigram frequency did not have an effect. In contrast, post hoc correlations revealed that log bigram frequency did correlate significantly with individual item performance. In a final experiment, subjects judged which of a pair of letter strings most resembled English in terms of either the frequency or the regularity of letter sequences. Findings revealed an influence of essentially the same dimensions of orthographic structure as that revealed by the perceptual recognition task. The overall results provided evidence for lexical status, regularity of letter sequencing, and frequency of letter sequencing as important dimensions in the psychologically real description of orthographic structure. (Author/FL)


Did you read that? Wow. 😮 Lexical status(word games), letter sequencing (lexicology,anagrams/acrostics/palindromes/etc.), and frequency (word games with numbers[ think Gematria] + [verbal vagaries] = REAL PSYCHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION

This is what I see: the overall results indicated that the structure of words and its many variations had affects beyond that of their apparent intentions or meaning. In plain English; It is not what it appears, words for humans are like code programs and can be used to stimulate a desired psychological reaction.

This is the very reason why this study is immediately relevant to everyone, because understanding these concepts will help readers re-evaluate how they understand what they are reading or seeing. [Decoding the ciphers hidden in every day life, intended for the initiated.]

It is widely acknowledged that the reader contributes as much or more to reading than does the “information” on the printed page. One compelling issue in reading research is how the reader’s higher-order knowledge of the language interacts with lower-level perceptual analyses during reading.

What? Point and Case. This case is now considered in the bag.

“higher-order knowledge of the language interacts with lower-level perceptual analyses during reading.”

It just doesn’t get more obvious than that. If I were a magician, I’d be an English speaking magician, because it’s the easiest language to manipulate with. Note below how there are two separate yet simultaneous processes going on. Stuff is going into storage before primary recognition has even been initiated. Do you think understanding this formula, could play into someone wishing to excercise control over another?

Information could be injected into storage memory before recognition, not get computed but then get comingled into the final part of rehersal and recoding, resulting in a false reading, ie, meaning. A false meaning is resolved, and no one even blinked an eye. Understanding this topology map is a technical advancement beyond my words of expression. This very technology is being deployed on what’s today called the “dumbed down masses”, all without anyone even noticing despite it being right under our noses.

Why are word games important?

Remember the newest variants, just when you thought they couldn’t beat it over the head anymore, but they just kept on trucking like they weren’t caught with their pants down. The list below will be updated as things come up, but you will see a pattern emerge.


SOCIAL DISTANCING Anagram SCOLIA DISCANTING (2. A discussion or discourse on a theme/narrative)

Sco·​lia ˈskōlēə
: a genus (the type of the family Scoliidae) of wasps that build or dig no nest but lay their eggs on the bodies of the burrowing larvae of various beetles


THE science of numbers is of remotest antiquity. Among the Aryans and Greeks, the Assyrians and Egyptians, we find indications of a development which gave to numbers their real significance and employed them in a system of symbolism which had respect to something more than mere enumeration.
While it is true that a figure is a symbol denoting a quantity, it is also a fact that a quantity thus symbolised may denote much more than a mere number, as we may learn from chemical analysis, where two bodies consisting of an equal number of atoms of the same elements are of an entirely different chemical nature. This is the case as between phenylisocyanide and benzonitrile. But here we have a difference in the arrangement of the atoms, the single atom of nitrogen being active in the one and passive in the other molecule. The position serves, however, for a general thesis which regards all bodies as compounded of elements drawn from a single base, their specific differences being due to the domination of one over another element in them. The astrologers affirm that individual character answers to a similar analysis, for whereas all men are constituted from the same cosmic forces, one has more of Saturn in him than others, being born under the dominance of that planet, while another has more of the nature of Mars, on account of its ascendancy or elevation at his birth, corresponding differences of character being observable in them, the one being ponderous, melancholic and taciturn, the other energetic, enterprising and demonstrative. Man, in fine, is a modification of cosmic elements, a composite of cosmic forces, like any other body. But also something more. Behind the coloured glass there is always the light. The intelligence striking through the composite of personal organisation reveals itself as character.
Similarly, behind the cosmos there is an Intelligence which manifests to us through cosmic elements as Nature. God geometrises, and in Nature we have the geometrical expression of the Divine Intelligence. Crystallisation takes place according to definite laws. All the superior metals crystallise at the angle or complemental angle of a regular polygon, which may be inscribed in a circle; and these angles are those which are indicated by the astral science as operative. Water, which the ancients referred to in a mystical sense as the mother of all things, their material base, crystallises at an angle of 60 degrees. The universe is but the crystallised ideation of God; it is a divine thought form. It is by the study of numbers, therefore, that we may learn the laws of divine expression, from the constitution of the universe down to the most trivial occurrence in its evolutional progress. What we call an event is but a displacement and rearrangement of the parts of our sphere of reality. Changes taking place in the cosmos are accompanied by changes in all its constituents, and these changes may converge to a cataclysm. They may also produce a shower of rain, an epidemic, or a rise of a penny per cent in the price of wheat. Admitting man’s relations to the cosmos, and it would be difficult to deny them, there is really no end to the concatenation of effects which may arise from any single cosmic disposition, as, for instance , when our earth lies in the diameter of the Martian sphere of influence.
In the study of numbers, therefore, we are not concerned with figureology, or mere symbolism, but with quantities and geometrical relations. This study has its principles, its alphabet, its language and terminology, and its signification. In the course of these pages I shall endeavour to show that there is a signification attaching to numbers which for lack of a better term I must call occult ; for although it would be a comparatively easy matter to trace a relationship existing between man and the universe, it would be by an argument of a mystical nature only that any connection between numbers and events could be traced. Yet, if I show that this connection exists, there will be at least sufficient ground on which to establish such an argument, from which, possibly, might arise a deeper understanding and wider appreciation of that ancient key to the mysteries of the universe which was rediscovered and partially formulated by Baron Swedenborg in the Doctrine of Correspondences. In this doctrine, Matter is the ultimate expression of Spirit, as Form is that of Force. Therefore, for every spiritual Force there is a corresponding material Form. The whole of Nature thus becomes an expression of the underlying spiritual world, and its physiognomy is to us the chiefest source of inspiration. The laws governing this expression are traceable only in terms of numbers, t.e. of geometrical ratios. The moral sense is only a subconscious recognition of the integrity and harmony of natural laws, a reflex of the greater environment. There is an analogy between the laws of Matter and those of Mind. They may arise from a common cause. The science of numbers is the key to both.

Name of  Encryption Technology: Palindromatic Code

Keyword Connector: Palindrome

Cipher Sequence: Toroidal, Toric Geometry

This Palindromatic Code geometry is embedded into everything including language, I suspect. Examining the code and knowing that Palindromes are words that are the same written forward as well as backwards, we can see how it correlates immediately. If you plot the prime gaps onto a radius and plot, it creates arches which connect at prime numbers. If you lay the negative space of the arches onto a radius and circle the radii, the toric geometry arises organically within prime and compostie quanities. The Palindromatic Code is embedded into the structure of space time, scalably so these same geometries (Toric Geometries) can be found within atoms or between galaxies depending on the magnitude your looking at. Basically, your overlapping, turning, and plotting intersects. This is the cipher of language, here’s the hypothesis. 

Toric Geometry governs all reality including language, thusly when we take language and turn it into numerical values we can use the cipher to decode, predict, or create depending on the intention of the sentence.




Frequency, Orthographic Regularity, and Lexical
Status in Letter and Word Perception. Technical
Report No. 550



Encyclopedia Of Ancient And Forbidden Secrets



The word circus : a letter-perfect book 1998 – Books To Borrow [Login Req]



A cypher within a cypher; being a curious, or novel, discovery, with an illustrative description, of an anagram, in the biliteral characters, of the name, William Shakespeare, covertly infoulded within another infoulded cypher in Francis Bacon’s original London folio edition of De augmentis scientiarum, & published, notably, at the same time as the first folio edition of the immortal plays.


How I Survived the Bomb and Learned to Love Logical Fallacy Little Boy and the Fat Man

During the Cold War era there was plenty of information available on how best to survive an atomic bomb. The hysteria was everywhere. Helpful tips on how to cook or dress for the apocalypse were in every magazine and it was not uncommon to open the newspaper and see graphics detailing how long after an atomic explosion to expect fallout, or how to best preserve foods, or even how to handle post bomb depression. Many of those who lived it remember the media induced hysteria well. They remember the military style school drills. They remember hiding under their desks and being told by the teacher to ‘never look into the light children!’ There were bomb shelters being built in suburbia and frantic headlines on each doorstep. The ‘apocalyptic’ scorched earth storylines everyone living today is familiar with got their start in 1950’s Cold War fanaticism. But in the end not one shot was ever fired. History shows the headlines to be nothing more than propaganda, and for the generations who were forced to live lives in fear, the only mushroom cloud they ever witnessed were of our own devise.  Cold War rhetoric so ubiquitous over the second half of the 20th Century its effects are still being comprehended by modern thinkers. 

The effects on society of such long lingering fear culture so widespread that its left a permanent scar still very visible today – some thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the official end to the Cold War – as the American public is once again being sold a terror vision from behind the ‘iron curtain’.

Do we learn from the past or are we condemned to repeat it?<—————————–


It is a significant observation to consider that the Cold War era, despite covering a nearly fifty-year span, came and went without an ‘official’ shot fired. Especially with the similarity to events unfolding today, it is critical in real time to know the history. We all know today the Cold War never actually lived up to what the media, government, military intelligence and specifically the Council on Foreign Relations had promised. All the talk of checking Russian militarism running cover fire for Americas own expansionist interests, usually near in proximity and related in both means and method yet exist in a realm far outside the headlines. Even the author of the X Article George Kennan, the very article that introduced both the term and US foreign policy of ‘containment’ to the world, when asked regarding alleged Soviet aggressions years later, admitted the idea a propaganda ruse. A psychological operation.  Kennan wrote the article under the pseudonym ‘X’ and it was published in July of 47′ in Foreign Affairs magazine, Kennan claimed Stalin’s rule was based on a “pseudo-scientific justification” of Lenin – Marxist ideology and that the permeation of Russian thought and industry throughout Eurasia should not be tolerated by the West. Stalin went from wartime ally to villain marauder in a flash. The rest is history.

In the year 2022, the evil enemy isn’t nearly as identifiable as a mushroom cloud. No, this enemy hidden in the grammar, in the language, and in the very definitions of the words we use. And those unaware of the mainstream game of semantics fall for every appeal to empathy, every ad hominem. They fall for every effort to distract. Simply because they’ve never known logical fallacy. It being one of the most powerful pieces of knowledge removed from our schooling. And the reasons obvious to those well versed in them. And, as we live seventy some years later during the time of the Great Information War, survival tips are again being circulated through the mainstream, once again by the usual suspects we hear the same claims of threats to our democracy, and once again, the villain hails from beyond the horizon.  Just beyond our view. Only today new meets nostalgic as we witness a rebranding of history. We now have a repeating pattern from which to infer more than meets the eye.

So what’s this new 21st Century redux of the Cold War? … Fake News.

And how is it that this newly fabricated fear reminiscent of the red menace can once again so tightly grip the public’s liberal sympathies as to completely render them blind to reality?  … A history shadow. A collective historical blind spot.

Yesterday’s Cold War is today’s RussiaGate. Similar in its two syllable bark the red menace is resuscitated through its penchant to spread ‘fake news’. The term revitalized as Russia is vilified remorselessly by the mainstream through the era of Trump journalism and beyond. The Steele Dossier taking the place of the X Article. The Steele Dossier story, like that of X Article, admitted by its author as itself being faked. Unsubstantiated. And this admission, as did Kennans, came shortly after the time of its publishing. Yet the American public are moved forward never the wiser. Progress people. The facts can’t get in the way of a good narrative. The original lie now believed by millions furrows the mind and readies the rut for the seeding of more lies of an ever more damaging type. The entire storyline snowballs incredibly, it gets out of control aided by a collective emotional attachment, and what we get is what we got – a large portion of the public suffering from psychosis as they can’t make sense of reality. A paralyzing dysfunction washes over them and for the most part they are demeaned to the role of spectator – the very purpose of the hysteria. To inactivate. Mission accomplished. While we look over here, they operate out of view over there. What they claim the enemy is doing to us is precisely and exactly what they are indeed doing to the enemy.


In the year 2022, an entirely new weapons strategy must be employed to combat these new rules of engagement. New ways to defend ourselves must be realized as we move from the old-world way of material force of law to the immaterial, grammatical and memetic. The battlefield no longer fought on the traditional landscape of Mittel Europa. This war untelevised being raged with similar ferocity to all other world war, only this time the battlefield is found in the six inches between our ears.

So, what are these new weapons strategies? What are these tools designed to protect us from being fooled ever again? And how do they protect us from harmful false ideology? How do they allow us to remain unaffected in the face of universal deceit?

In an information war knowledge of logical fallacy becomes our surface to air missiles, our proximity fuse, our bulletproof vests, our radar; primary sourced material becomes our heavy artillery; the Truth becomes the new atomic bomb; and the well-developed individual becomes the perfect antidote to a tyrannical government. Our ability to remove labels becomes the latest in cloaking technology. The ad hominem becomes evidence of no argument and the appeal to empathy and non sequiturs become simply explained mainstream false narratives.  Only with a knowledge of logical fallacy do we identify contradiction of statements and verify its falsity of facts. And only then do we have the necessary tools we need to identify news when it is fake. And, maybe more importantly, when it is not. The truth is that left behind after successful identification of contradictions, falsity of facts and logical fallacy. There is a process and each lie has a name. And, with time, people become expert pattern observers. And the more we apply ourselves to the truth the more fake news is seen as a primarily mainstream construct meant to dissuade the public from listening or even considering the viewpoints of those fighting for the truth in a decaying human reality. We must in these extraordinary times be able to discern fake from real. We must be able to see the filters and stereotypical beliefs in our own thinking. We must in an efficient manner discard what is false and embrace that which is real before it’s too late.


“sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield”  

American Suburbia: Platos Cave

The son of a wealthy and noble family, Plato (427-347 B.C.) was preparing for a career in politics when the trial and eventual execution of Socrates (399 B.C.) changed the course of his life. He abandoned his political career and turned to philosophy, opening a school on the outskirts of Athens dedicated to the Socratic search for wisdom. Plato’s school, then known as the Academy, was the first university in western history and operated from 387 B.C. until A.D. 529, when it was closed by Justinian.
Unlike his mentor Socrates, Plato was both a writer and a teacher. His writings are in the form of dialogues, with Socrates as the principal speaker. In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato described symbolically the predicament in which mankind finds itself and proposes a way of salvation. The Allegory presents, in brief form, most of Plato’s major philosophical assumptions: his belief that the world revealed by our senses is not the real world but only a poor copy of it, and that the real world can only be apprehended intellectually; his idea that knowledge cannot be transferred from teacher to student, but rather that education consists in directing student’s minds toward what is real and important and allowing them to apprehend it for themselves [This is US right now!]; his faith that the universe ultimately is good; his conviction that enlightened individuals have an obligation to the rest of society, and that a good society must be one in which the truly wise (the Philosopher-King) are the rulers.
The Allegory of the Cave can be found in Book VII of Plato’s best-known work, The Republic, a lengthy dialogue on the nature of justice. Often regarded as a utopian blueprint, The Republic is dedicated to a discussion of the education required of a Philosopher-King <——[This can be you!].

The TVs get bigger, the houses get closer, and the streets are ever filled with the dim glow of your tele-visons programming. Millimeter waves run rampant through our streets bouncing off concrete, permeating all biological life like a fish in a sea of electromagnetic waves. Despite millimeter waves differing from microwaves simply by the frequency of its occurrence, our air waves are filled with nucleous cooking wattage, our country sides littered with giant control towers more reminiscent of a prison. At this point what’s the difference if the prison is a cave, your mind, or the whole world. We all have experienced the latter with the biowarfare attack on humanity in March of 2020. Total world lockdown.

Since then we have seen the doubling profits of the organizations whom stood to benefit from the ‘order from home consumerism’ that took the world by storm. All conveniently, sharing only a handful of corporations of stockholders. Netflix, HULU, Roku, HBO, Showtime, Amazon.. the list goes on. Amazon delivers on Sundays, and has what appears to be like five trucks even in my rural township. Many folks around me are retired by 45, and apparently all they do is shop online. Likely, everything they buy is made not in USA. Supply chain shortages exist, but not for China. Somehow their Walmarts, Lowes and other peddlers stay stocked to the roof in their products made for temporary use.

I’m not even going to get started on our antiquated power generation systems and industry. I noticed the other day that cars/automobiles are referred to in two ways now;

EV’s – Electric Vehicles

ICE – Internal Combustion Engine ( Assuming)

It took me a minute to figure out what ICE was, as I found it peculiar that a vehicle would be referred to as ICE. Suddenly, the lexicon for auto talk has a host of new terms but I fail to see the progress in technology that would of been commensurate with the growth seen in the first half of the 20th century. We allegedly made it to the moon in 1969, but have since lost the technology to do so again. Actually, not much has changed in technology since WW2. Things got lighter and fancier, but as far as leaps in technology, none that reached the public. It’s like there’s an elephant in the room but no one has noticed it. I suspect technology advanced, but not for the general public. We get battery electric cars from circa 1800’s, and the petrol burning motor which could run on water but that wouldn’t make billionaires. I think it’s about time humanity got off its knees, stop this insane need to buy Chinese crap, consume opiates, and jump on every bandwagon the media shoves down our throats. Let’s take back our history, and decide our own future. These history revisionists have gone far enough. When we get back to reading, we can break free of the chains of propaganda, 4th generation psychological warfare,  and shove all that garbage right back.

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Companies Owned Fully or Partially by China

“China doesn’t want nations, it wants their GDP’s”

America has kept itself in constant war since WWII, playing big brother to every nation but its own. We have spent Trillions of dollars on foreign problems, while China has used that same money to purchase countries infrastructures. And now that they own the better part of our GDP, the worlds GDP, they quietly play big dog. China is the beneficiary of its chained American Bulldog. China has its own problems, they too like the Kremlin are victims of Secret Societies. The world is not ruled by citizens of nations, but by members of a fraternal orders owing allegience first to their order, then to its constituents. This is FACT. No longer conjecture, the Burden of Proof is stacked row after row, warehouse after warehouse. There is no rebutte on this statement that will not be swept away in a sea of evidence, PRIMA FACIE, Provenance is on our side this time.

China doesn’t want nations, it wants their GDP’s and through it they become the beneficiaries. Here’s what you don’t know. Communism which runs China is operated by agents from Secret Societies. Quick reference will reveal that Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao are all brothers from a masonic fraternal order. The same one all of our boys are a part of on our side of the ocean, some names: Gerorge Washington, Benjamin Franklin, all the way to the Roosevelts, Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons, Trumps. The list literally never ends. This is not conjecture as we have the evidence in hand to prove our premise not only in digital images, books, but we see it in our everyday life in plain sight.

In conclusion I leave you with this, next time you turn your Tele-Vision Programming on, keep in mind that your no longer just watching IT. It’s watching you too, and reporting everything to its benefactors.

Snake Oil Salesman meets Lowest Quality Useless Junk CEO